Thursday, August 11, 2016


WHY AMERICA WILL FALL #2. Interesting note, compiled from WSJournal of 7.15.16 - The story related the immense, growing, unspoken, and ongoing cost of running a militaristic society, millions of ever-increasing veteran's benefits and programs, and now THIS expansion. All completely out of line. This cannot hold, nor should it, but no one lifts a finger to stop it. Pandering. Current disability and 'medication' programs for veterans is $60 billion (2015). A new wave of 5 million is coming on, at a 100% benefit of $3,000 a month, base. Fraud is now completely widespread. And, the latest wrinkle, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), for which doctors love to prescribe their own paybacks, will be redefined. A veteran NO LONGER needs an 'incident' of battle to cause PTSD diagnosis. The military will now accept that FEAR itself can cause an incident. NO. I cry foul. No, I cry foul. Not ONE politician will stop these ghoulish raids on our national tax-treasury. gar


TRANSOM #80 : MY THEORY OF FIFTHS : Electoral politics being what it is, this gets a little complicated, but hear me out. Effectively, after all the hooting and hollering, the reality is that the popular vote, the actual numbers, count for very little. A candidate can get more 'votes' yet still lose the 'election' because they are the wrong votes, not the Electoral College votes which are the actual 'political' votes needed. That being as it may, which leads a bias towards Clinton to begin with, there is a very conceivable strategy that could be at work here as, if done smartly, by Trump, to win Trump, the election. It may very well be his 'strategy' here, early on, to alienate and break the Republican base, after walking off, of course, to their chagrin, with their party. He eventually crosses one too many lines. The Republicans finally get disgusted enough. They repudiate him, cut his candidacy loose, and put up, or plant, an alternate candidate, by them, their own guy. Trump, no matter what, has a very strong, vocal, and unforgiving (and committed) base. They will vote for HIM, regardless. (That's one-fifth). The new 'Republican' party candidate gets his or her basic contingent of leftover Republican, never Clinton!, votes. (That's two-fifths). The Democrat/Clinton stalwarts will vote for her, no matter the rest. (That's three-fifths). The Indies, fudge around voting for candidates of their own (that's four-fifths). And then, the 'disgusteds' - alienated, angry, non-voters, distant, unwholesome (- that's five-fifths), they start trickling back. Surprise is, Trump's affrontery and bombast can draw some of them back in; militants, anarchists, fanatics and right-wing extremists. Whoever can get to own the fifth-fifth contingent can squeak in. At least I can see it happpening - and in my estimation it's why Trump wishes to cause outrage enough to BE dumped. He can pick up the pieces, regardless, and come in at 35-38% and get it, IF they are the right votes and IF he can build on that, even just a little. Weirder things have happened. Less an uprising or an outright public revolt - by the sort whom Trump can lift up, the real American Sluggo, the unwashed and underrepresented - they can be placated by him at the ballot box. All the other panty-waists - Bill Clinton, Barack Obama - who's always been nothing but a panty-waist anyway - and Hillary Clinton, who's a panty-waist trying to claim she's not, can fall by the wayside with their faces all pinched, claiming fraud, but in a losing cause. He can win by just continuing to be himself. The more candidates there are, the fewer votes he actually needs, on a downward trajectory. gar


CHUCK D 'RAGING FOR AMERICA' - "The police are only the watchdogs of the law - the law has always been unfair, has always been biased. 'The power' is usually governments who talk equality but never carry it out. See, I'm a culturalist. Culture brings humans together through our similarities. Governments and culture are diametrically opposed. Beware of a government that tells you that they give you culture: The government has control over the narrative of stereotypes of people of color, and it pushes culture in that direction as well, [dictating to us] because the truth never flows to light. You gotta FIND the truth on airwaves. You gotta FIND the truth on television. You have to FIND the truth in newspapers much of the time. If you try to do something good, it's not going to make the front page. It's really exhilarating to see a presidential nominee with a train wreck coming out of his mouth, and people are astonished and shocked by it, and treat it as if it's a haunted house. You know the haunted house where people are afraid but they go in anyway? That's what this Donald Trump thing is like. It says, 'Stay away!' It says, 'Get out!' And you keep saying, 'Oh, my God it's so scary!' while walking into the haunted house. Then you see a head roll down the staircase. And you're like: 'Oh my God! What's up them steps? What's up that staircase?' It's not about being pro-Hillary. The word is out there that she'll do anything and say anything to be in that position. People of color? First of all, race is just a silly, stupid concept. So I don't know what [it means to say] 'I embrace people of color.' When he yells, he gets red-faced. O.K., I'm going to embrace all the red-faced people today...Governments are the cancers of civilization. The nerve for a government to say who can't move around on this planet - I mean, that's an alien concept. I think it's absurd for some government to say who and what is an immigrant. It's a lot of fucked-up shit."

Thursday, May 19, 2016

4. POLITICS 101, pt. 3

POLITICS 101, Pt. 3: 'Unconscious portions of the self are what are really in control. Your ides of the unconscious are so linked to your limited ideas of personhood as to be meaningless. It is as if you used only one finger of one hand and then said: "This is the proper expression of my personhood." It is not just that there are other functions of the mind, unused, but that in those terms YOU HAVE OTHER MINDS. You have one brain, it is true, but you allow it to use only one... station, or to identify itself with only one mind of many. It seems evident to you that one person has one mind. You identify with the mind you use. If you had another, then it would seem as if you must be someone else. A mind is a psychic pattern through which you interpret and form reality. You have physical limbs that you can see. You have minds that are invisible. Each one can organize reality in a different fashion. Each one deals with its own kind of knowledge. These minds will work together to keep you alive through the physical structure of the brain. WHEN YOU USE ALL OF THESE MINDS, then and only then do you become fully aware of your surroundings: You perceive reality more clearly than you do now, more sharply, brilliantly, and concisely. At the same time, however, you comprehend it directly. You comprehend what it is apart from your physical perception of it. You accept as yourself those other states of consciousness native to your other minds. You achieve true personhood.'

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

3. POLITICS 101, pt. 2

POLITICS 101, pt. TWO - 'I May Not Always Love You, But I'll Always Keep You Near'..........
You won't realize it, but by voting for any of these people you are empowering robotic emanations. They are negative aliens, placed here as configurations to segment consciousness and set up false dichotomies, petty distinctions and things to argue over, so as to make YOU, the little people, feel involved. They are nothing but false emanations. You may recall, for instance, immediately after Bill Clinton, the old Bill Clinton, left office, he was hospitalized and underwent 'heart' procedures. That was a cover for brain-cleansing, re-freshening, and replacement with another emanation of Bill Clinton 2, let's call it. The one we deal with now. A quite different one, by the way. Pure Evil, in this course manipulating through the guise of a female enhancer, an enabler so shrewd as to pass all shape-shifting tests to date. The long legacy of Trump escapades, the myopic screen-sight of Sanders, the complete and evil dynastic and reptilian fortitude of the Bushes parades along, buried for the time being, until yet another emanation - all the same, long bloodlines, all the same categorical reptilian thinking. These people are all programmed, their thoughts and their speech patterns, all. Nothing ponderous, not useful, because they do not exist.
'...The Virginia Company (Semirais/Isis) comprised two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company. The former was responsible for the first permanent colony in America at Jamestown, on May 14, 1607, and the latter were the so-called 'Pilgrim Fathers' who arrived at Cape Cod in the ship Mayflower, in November, 1602, and went on to land in Plymouth Harbor on December 21st. The 'Pilgrims' of American historical myth were, in fact, members of the second Virginia Company branch called the New England Company. The Pilgrim Society is still a major secret force of bloodlines and their English branch meets at the Savoy Hotel in London. The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA, and any lands up to 900 miles offshore. This included Bermuda and most of what is now known as the Carribean islands. The Virginia Company (British Crown and bloodlines) had rights to 50% of the ore of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of profits from all other ventures. These rights, the charters detailed, were to be passed on to all heirs of the owners of the Virginia Company and therefore continue to apply...forever! There was a 21 year period of transition involving the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London, all proceeds from being paid to the British Crown; no one could export or import a ship/good/vehicle without duty being paid them. The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust wherein they could not claim ownership of the land, which ownership was retained by the British Crown. Two Colonial Councils of 13 members each (that number!) were to govern the colonial lands. The Christian religion had to be imposed on the natives of the land, under penalty. ('Accept or be forced to' - an order to destroy the culture and knowledge of the native peoples and to maintain the white colonists under the vicious yoke of Christian terrorism peddled by the Calvinist-Puritans. It was a free license to kill, torture, and kidnap the native peoples with complete immunity from prosecution). After the original 13 (that number again!) American colonies won their 'independence and an 'independent' country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to...the United States. There are two USA's, or rather a USA and a usA. The latter of these are the lands yet owned, in reality, by the British Crown. The first (USA) is the 68 square miles of land west of the Potomac River on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia. The United States is NOT a country, it is a corporation owned by the same elite, old-line family names who owned the Virginia Company, and for whom all these asshole politicians work, from Frank Pallone to Barack Obama and the rest. When Americans agree to have a social security number the citizens of the united states surrender their sovereignity and agree to become franchisees of the United States (The Virginia Company of the British Crown). Why do they (we) do it? Because they are given no idea that is what is going on. They are led to believe, and taught, that there is only ONE United States and the Federal Government is the rightful government. The IRS is but a terrorist collection agency set up to coerce and take the tax monies FROM the American people, under the guise of false Nationhood to be remitted to the same alien and elitist bloodlines behind the scenes everywhere. You are being lied to, manipulated, coerced and fooled. You are being judged and convicted by Admiralty, false, courts of the old Powers. This is NOT in any way the country you are voting for. The current crop of candidates is yet another crop of hoaxes and spectral emanations meant to befuddle.' gi


POLITICS 101. 'I May Not Always Love You, But I'll Always Keep You Near' - Everything with this Hillary Rodham she-punk is niche politics. The two of them, her and Bill Clinton. Each factor represents something : 'Bill's a vegan, like we actually care, and there goes the vegetarian bloc, voting for us! (Bill doesn't eat meat, but apparently it's OK for young, 18-year old interns to eat his meat. But, we can't talk about that, that's the 'Duplicity' niche-voter. They're not ...ours')...Hillary and Bill, on the take for a thousand years already, now have the means for all that pay-back. Have you ever realized that this is a career-couple that has lived off taxpayer dollars - discounts, pensions, Congressional Banking privileges, Medical and Family coverages - for their entire lives? And has still needed to be on the take? And up against her now all we get is the bombastic inertia of Donald Trump? What the hell is wrong with this country anyway? I will attempt an answer for you, and it will rock your world, tomorrow morning, while I am writing it today. AND here, one last thing. I offer this to anyone, or maybe I'll do it myself. It's a sure path to instant fame, media attention, and press coverage, talk shows, and book contracts. Walk into Target, use the restroom opposite to your own natural sexuality (like, balls to the left, tits to the right) - just stroll right in. When the guard comes to apprehend or pull you out, because of the shrieks and consternation, just announce, before you're arrested, 'I'm transitioning, and this is fucked-up.' I guarantee you press coverage, and I hold out to you the promise of fame and glory too. You may even get on Oprah, if that show is still around? gar

Friday, April 29, 2016


DATELINE : Avenel - 'Times It Is To Say - Enough!' - Everywhere I go I get depressed. Things are depleting, running down, being killed off. Having a dog allows you the unfettered - sort off - access and freedom to roam a bit more, people let you go, nod and just walk off. There's a park in Rahway, right on St. Georges Ave., after the big cemetery. Muncie's Hot Dog truck is always parked right there. He's had the authorized location for years, on his dime, I guess, but he does well. Over the years two maybe three new trucks, replacing the old ones as they go on. Always people stopping, pulling over, getting out. Wintertime, it's all football stuff. Radio, small-talk. Summertime, Yankees, Mets chatter. A bunch of gibberish, but no matter, at least it's got mustard and sauerkraut on it. Entering the park there, and proceeding all the way to the back, it gets a little wilder, trees and brush, a piece of the river. I posted once or twice some photos from it - fall scenes, big old hawks up in the trees. Anyway, Parks like that are sacred things. You'd think. Parks Departments, on the other hand, are tax-sponsored, municipal catch-basins for jerks in need of a job. Give 'em a hatchet, some instructions, and send 'em out to hack and saw, for 14 bucks an hour and benefits. Out to the rear of Rahway Park, I saw today, they've now taken probably five acres, just guessing, 1/30th of the park maybe, and they're turning it into still more sports courts, paved and netted, and a parking lot to go with it. In addition to all that was already there. Trickle by trickle, there goes the parkland, and the trees. A real shame, and only on the brightest of weekend afternoons are any of these courts in use anyway. Otherwise, it may as well be Needle Park. Losers and joggers, in that order, probably me included, on the fringes. There really ought'a be a law. Anyway, that's Rahway; nearby, but it's still elsewhere. In Avenel, nonetheless, the mayhem still goes on. On Avenel Street, now, next to the old Imbriaco house, there was always a nice, compact, leftover parcel of woods. Now, it too has been carved and cut, laid bare and is being built upon. The same thing happened, last year, down the other end of Avenel Street, by the old Butkiewicz land. I had figured this new property was bought and someone was putting up a house. Now I see it's on speculation, by Oak Tree Real Estate, in Edison. I know them because about a year and a half ago I complained about an old place they'd torn down in Edison, out by South Plainfield, for three new houses, and was shut down by the wife of this Frank Zappia guy who fronts for this stuff. Avenel people, I'm pretty sure, at least it was on the Avenel site. What I'm saying is, these people get all huffy over being criticized (they also did, at Avenel Street and Rahway Ave., that full parcel there) while they're stepping in and ruining even worse the town they live in, while fronting for a neighboring town's real estate company. No matter. Nothing I can do about it except shout out; but it ain't fair and it ain't right. And if that's so then at least 'he' should step forward and speak for himself while he traipses his crap through where I live. I think the time is ripe now, right now, for voices to be heard, and loudly. There really is a place in Hell set aside for Developers. But if we cannot stand up and say 'Enough!!' for ourselves, there may very well be a place there for us as well. And, going back to Rahway Park, take a look at Edison, and notice how Roosevelt Park is no different. Every new emplacement of something therein, buildings, pavings, groves, playhouse crap, is just more detraction from the dedicated park space that it was supposed to be, and dedicated for. Roosevelt Park, not Roosevelt Highway.
These people, the problem is, they have the establishment and the system on their sides. There's nothing we can do about it. Town meetings, and zoning and engineering department hearings and all that, it's all bullshit, comes down to nothing. If anyone wishes to go ahead thinking they have your best interests and your concerns in mind, go ahead, I won't stop you, but it's graft, and it's corruption, and it's old-boy network crap, the guys who sit around jawing at each other and trade the deals - my paving company contract for your lumber deal for your trucking-in, and for your excavating. At inflated prices, and with hand-outs, giveaways and paybacks too. if you don't believe me, I have a bridge I can sell you. At least Muncie drives in, parks his truck, cleans up his own crap, and drives away. These guys leave there shit around forever.

You know how they tell you, 'Turn off the lights, don't waste energy, cut down on trash, conserve water,' blah, blah. It's all put on us, endlessly. Look at the General Dynamics building site, and ask yourself how come. That's going to be, probably and conservatively, 3000 new lightbulbs in use, garbage needs, toilet facilities, sewerage, and the rest, let alone the parking lot ILLUMINATION and walkway lighting that's about to flood the area with new light. How come no one tells the Developers the stuff they tell us?  Like 'cut the shit, get outta' here.'  Secondly, way down on Rt. 27  -  headed out of South Brunswick, towards Princeton,  they took down a huge parcel of forested land  -  there for years  -  and now they're completing yet another massive and 'fucking-a-ugly'  strip mall. Rt. 27 is a huge, traffic-clogged maniacally over-developed nightmare.  You know what they're doing now, right now as I type? Putting in new drives and curbings, etc., so that this new traffic can dump out onto overly crowded and dead Rt. 27. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE HIGHWAY SIGN SAYS?!!!! 'Your Highway Taxes At Work'. No kidding on this, for real.  MY taxes at work, killing me. What the fuck is going on? And why isn't the asshole Developer paying for it, and not us? I want to know who is smoking what shit in Trenton. And why are they patting themselves on their own freaking backs over it. This is real estate development taken to its rudest and most uncouth extreme. This is piped-in Frank Zappia crazy-man music over loudspeakers owned by the Devil. There! I've vented and said my piece. Thanks. gar